TONS to write about...
On the 11th the boys went with my dad to Chicago to take care of my sisters two boys while they went away on my brother in laws business trip to Canada and my niece who is just absolutely wonderful took Riley with her to Iowa to visit my nieces dad...they left the 11th at noon and she didn't come back until the 13th at noon. So the hubby and I had the weekend to ourselves..I honestly can not remember the last time we had that much alone time together. On saturday we went out for dinner at my favorite mexican restaurant, got some movies, and DQ for dessert came home and watched a movie and just completely relaxed. I made sure I had the whole house cleaned before the hubby got home from work on saturday so that we would not have to do a thing the whole weekend but spend time together. It was a WONDERFUL time!!
This past weekend we had a big festival in town celebrating SPAM (the canned stuff). We are so proud to be called SPAMtown, USA...not really ya know!! They had a skateboarding demonstration that the boys wanted to see, so we watched that, they had games for the kids to play, and a craft area where the kids could make some kind of noise maker out of a can of SPAM and is really annoying by the way!! haha At night they had 3 celebrity dads was the dad from Happy Days, That 70's show, and Jim Belushi from According to Jim. We could see them we just couldn't hear them being interviewed. After they did the interviews Jim Belushi and the Sacred Hearts performed...I tell you he is a wonderful performing...he was a blast to watch. When they were done performing than they had fireworks down by the river and so we stayed and watched those..they were very good and the kids loved it.
Now we are on the countdown until my sisters come home to is staying the whole month of July and the other is just coming for a weekend. We are going to have a big 40th surprise party for my sister while everyone is home, so this weekend my niece (her mom is the one turning 40) and I are going to go shopping and get the last of the stuff that we need for the party. We have some great games planned for the kids and then the adults will have there games to play. I can't wait...but it also being held at my house in the now we get the pleasure of cleaning it up in there so that we can fit the tables and chairs in there, but it is definately going to be worth it. She is going to be so shocked!! haha
Well now that this has turned into a book I should probably go and help the hubby get supper ready..