It has only been 2 days....
Today is officially the third day of summer vacation for the kids. It is
still morning and the kids are still in I'm not counting today in
my title!!
The past two days have been torture...the kids are all extremely moody and
argue about everything...things better change soon or I am going to go all
crazy on them!! They have had two days to get the living room cleaned
up..not done, they have had two days to get there laundry gathered..not
done, and they have had two days to get there rooms picked up..not done!! I
informed them lastnight that I really hope that they are not looking forward
to getting an allowance this week..because it is not going to happen when
they don't do anything but lay around all day!! I'm such a beast!! haha
We had a great weekend..the weather was ok..but we had a friend come down
from the cities and visit saturday night. I had won tickets to the Demo
Derby at the fairgrounds so the hubby and Travis (our friend) took Ryan and
the neighbor boy to those and I took Lee, Riley, and the neighbor girl to
the movie Madagascar..yeah not really sure on how good that movie was
because I kept dozing off..I am getting so old!! After Tim and Travis got
back from there thing than we left Lee in charge of Riley and her friend who
was spending the night and we all headed downtown to the was so
nice to just sit, talk, and not to be mean but away from the kids just for a
few hours. After leaving the bars we came back to our house and had a few
more drinks and sat outside and talked until 5:30 in the morning..poor Tim
had to work sunday..he was a bit tired!! It was just so nice to have
Travis come down for the night.
Lastnight my niece took Ryan and Riley out to the nature center because they
had some activities going on out there for the kids. They had snakes,
frogs, tadpoles, and some other things for the kids to hold and touch..Riley
loves any kind of animal so she thought this was just the coolest.
Now today we are having what a blah day!!
At 12:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
Sorry its taken me so long to post a comment, but I have been reading/watching for updates. Hope things are going well, and the kids have not driven you to drinking and thats why you havent been posting hehe. Summer here is going by fairly well, im kinda surprised. I figured I would be ready for them to be back in school the day school let out. :)
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