a day in the life

of a wife and mother

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Feeling Old

Today is my oldest sons birthday..he turned 13 so now I have an actual teenager!!

It just seems so unreal to me to have a child that is 13...they just grow up way too fast. Tonight he is having 3 friends spend the night and I am wondering to myself WTH I was thinking. haha Right now it is finally peaceful in my house..they went moonlight bowling and it doesn't get over until 1am..so a few more hours of peace. I kept my great niece so that my niece could go bowling too and she is passed out on the couch and I am trying to stay awake. I feel kind of funny leaving her on the couch and me going to my room to bed, so I'll attempt to stay up until they get back.

It was a gorgeous day here..55 degrees, very sunny, and no wind..wonderful day to have the kids outside!! haha


  • At 9:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Happy Belated Bday to your son. Hope your doing alright!


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