a day in the life

of a wife and mother

Friday, May 28, 2004


It has been a long time since I last wrote. I was hoping that I would stay consistent in doing this blog..for me. I haven't seem to find the time to write anything though and I don't like to do it when Papa B is around so that doesn't give me much chance. Anyways...............
So since I last posted Riley is better and than Lee(oldest boy) caught whatever it is that Riley had, but I believe we are all done with that now!! I'm in the process of painting the kitchen..I started on Tuesday and took tomorrow on vacation so hopefully I get it all done and still be able to enjoy the long weekend, it is taking longer to paint the kitchen because we have old cupboards and I have decided to paint them to maybe lighten up the kitchen a bit..or atleast I hope!!

The kids are down to there final days of school...yea!!!!

Well hopefully tomorrow I will get on here and write something..just ramblings is all.
just trying this out.[img]http://www.smiliegenerator.de/s24/smilies-20580.png[/img]

Monday, May 17, 2004


I am home from work today with Riley (that is my daughter), she had the flu yesterday and so I kept her home from school for a day of recoup. But she is driving me nuts!!! She is feeling much better today and is following me around the house and constantly talking..which that isn't so abnormal..but since I work full-time I'm not use to having her home alone without the boys and nobody else for her to interact with. I'm hoping that the hubby gets home from work soon so I can go into work for a bit and just get out of the house..that probably sounds awful..I love her to death..but she just talks constantly..haha!! Well I should probably try to get some stuff done around her.

Sunday, May 16, 2004

First Entry

This is my first post..not really to sure what to write..but here it goes. Here is my introduction..I am 33, a wife of almost 12 years, and mother of three great kids..2 boys and 1 girl. I really enjoy reading blogs and decided that I would give it a shot and try my own.