a day in the life

of a wife and mother

Monday, July 12, 2004


You know kids are so good at making you feel guilty and especially my daughter Riley!! Riley is my only child that has ever made me feel guilty about working full time which in turn stuck them at a babysitters all day. Since she has been in school full time she hasn't complained because than she only went for an hour in the morning and was cool with it, but now this summer she is the only one that is going to daycare and does not like it. She was begging me lastnight to please take a day off so that she can stay home..she doesn't like the Y...she doesn't like anyone that goes there..and she doesn't like me for going to work!! Felt kind of shitty after that one..but I just told her that we didn't have much choice if she wanted us to be able to have to money to buy things for them. That is about all it took!!

Lastnight our neighborhood lost power for about a hour..so darn it we had to eat out! haha After we finally got our power back and were all getting comfortable for the night watching some tv..than the cable went out..just was not my night.


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